Get online donations
in minutes
Easily receive donations 💸 with our Donations Tool.
Works in every website
No monthly costs
In your own style
Our Donations Tool in action
We’re very proud that Stichting Steun Emma Kinderziekenhuis is using our Donations Tool to raise funds.
Go to to see it in action.
Features explained
Styling Options
Match your brand identity with our styling options. Define text colors and styles to match your website perfectly.
Payment methods
Donations supports all major payment methods around the world.
Donations settings
Customise prefilled donation amounts and let people donate for special projects.
An overview of all your succesful and unsuccesful donations in one place.
Export all donations in CSV format so you can import them in your favourite software.
Thank you message
Create a special thank you message or even a video to show your love!